I live alone in my apartment — but I live in a Christian Retirement Community — it’s an 8-story building with a bunch of apartments on each floor, and there is a dining room on the First Floor, along with a “Family Room with a fireplace, and an “Activity Room where they have a big Video Screen and tables for card games and bingo, and a library in one corner.
I am used to living alone… I’ve got 3 grown children who live in San Diego, CA and Reno, NV and over in Mechanicsburg, PA (I don’t see them ever — they don’t visit me). Rarely, I might get a call from one. My son & youngest daughter do call me rarely (once or twice a year). But I am accustomed to this aloneness, and I read a lot, and watch TV, and sometimes go outside for short walks around here. So I am not unhappy. I’m lucky to be healthy also, for my age (I’m 72). I’ve lived alone much of my life. There was a time when I very much wanted to find love and a life companion. I was married twice — both ex-husbands have passed. I never found another who was interested, but I’m okay. I accept the quiet solitude of my life. I’m thankful that I am NOT sick! That would be a terrible burden for me. Sometimes I feel sad that I will probably die alone and unnoticed. I could be lying in my bed after I pass for quite some time before somebody notices that I’m not coming down to the dining room for dinner each day. That makes me sad. Being alone all the time is not so bad — dying alone is not something I want, but then, I know it would be hard on my children, if they were present.