What an interesting solution to the alternative option - complete abstinence and choosing a social alternative that does not require sharing a cigarette with friends or passing a fresh one to somebody to get them "hooked". It's a solution the tobacco companies can use to keep their business from dive bombing -- thus keeping their profits under control and themselves in business for the foreseeable future. I have been wondering how they were going to pull this off for quite awhile.
As a Never Smoked and Not Smoking Now person, I'm not going to take up Snus as my next social trick to meet friends and influence people. But then, I am old and retired -- and it doesn't matter anymore (to me). However, I think this new alternative hasn't been tested near enough to see if it causes people to become: a) viciously addicted, or b) causes them to suddenly become sick with some new form of cancer, or c) gives them an incurable case of a new form of Pneumonia in their lungs, or Covid-19 (or 20) that attacks the lungs or the brain, or d) causes people to suddenly die from an embolism that forms in their lungs after a week of using the Snus device. Etc. etc.
There's LOTS of ways Mother Nature can take a little break to watch what kind of new Frankenstein Monster we've cooked up to increase our thrills and still be Naughty -- that She will have to find a way to exploit faster and more broadly, and perhaps more Covertly. You know how Covert her Coronavirus is, right? When Mother Nature gets angry, she teaches lessons that we can't discover immediately--she "sneaks up on us" unawares. Covid-19 was incredibly sneaky, and deadly.