You know, we have a president right now who actually knows how to perform in his role as the leader of our Congress, and our nation. President Biden has served as Vice President under Barack Obama (who was, frankly, a Good Leader), and he has served in other public service roles over time. He has both a good understanding of his role and responsibilities as our president, and he has compassion (something Donald Trump knows nothing about).
What a pity it is that we have an opposition party that is in the throws of decline, and is full of Carpet-Bagger politicians who have nothing to do all day but plot insurrections and boondoggles.
(I'm tired of the Roman Games that we all have to watch from the sidelines.)
Why is it that we Americans are still tolerating these fools and idiots who have jumped on the Republican Bandwagon, then spend their time throwing wrenches and horse turds at our President and our Administration -- gumming up the works so nothing can be accomplished, while We the People suffer the consequences of electing these retarded monkeys?
Why are we allowing this to happen? Are we all so selfish, or so blind, that we can't see we are hurting ourselves, making our lives miserable, destroying America's reputation in the world theatre?
We need to oust these annoying and reprehensible Fake News Republican representatives from Congress, and clean up the messes they are making!